A number of members have said they’ve enjoyed watching me work when I get in and shoot during workshops and that they’d like to observe a Pro Shoot someday. To see for themselves what it’s like to work with a model in a pro shoot environment and what has to be considered to make it […]
Tweaking, Heating, and Nod. . .
2012/02/23 by
If you happen to stumble into the 21c website and blog and see images in odd places, weird layouts, and dust and debris just all over the place, well, come back in an hour or two, maybe a day, to see the improvements. It’s tweaking time. As daylight sneaks away from the darkest time of […]
Upcoming Paid Modeling Opportunities…
2011/12/15 by
Manring Photo / 21c Studio has a couple paid modeling opportunities next week for any of you that may be interested. Both paid modeling opportunities will be for the SwOH Strobists , a group I started for photographers interested in learning more about off-camera lighting. Both events will have the same topic: “Dialing It Down: […]